Summer Arts Ensemble

Arts Youth Empowerment Summer Arts Ensemble
Arts Youth Empowerment is thrilled to announce the ARTS YOUTH EMPOWERMENT STRINGS SUMMER ARTS ENSEMBLE, an arts enrichment partnership with our New York City public school partners.
Summer Arts Ensemble provides select Arts Youth Empowerment students with the opportunity to continue and expand their school-year arts study in the summer in the disciplines of orchestra, chorus, band, visual arts, and theater arts.
We believe summer study is the link to consistency and long-term success in the arts. Students will train with Arts Youth Empowerment all-star instructors, faces they recognize from our Arts Youth Empowerment school-year programs.

Curriculum will focus on:
- The development of students’ art skills and creativity
- The broadening of cultural understanding
- Focus on school-year readiness
- The promotion of lifelong learning in the arts

Course offerings include:
- Technique
- Repertoire
- Movement
- Artistic application of literacy and math
- Supplemental courses in ELL
- Leadership training

Summer Arts Ensemble is a spectacular way to boost students’ knowledge and community understanding through total arts immersion. We are committed to bringing students to the next level, whatever their passion may be.
Summer Arts Ensemble will meet daily for a 3-week instructional period, 8:30-3:30pm. Students will receive group lesson instruction and work in performance ensembles to create a challenging, successful work of art. Each ensemble’s study will culminate with a formal group project performance and/or presentation to demonstrate technical principles learned and advancement in repertoire studies.